A One Health Approach to Public Health: A Call to Action

Perspectives & Insights



Tuesday 23 April, 2pm - 3:30pm AEST
Breakout 3

There is widespread recognition of the importance of a One Health approach for mitigating current and emerging disease threats, and this forms a core pillar of the developing Australian Centre for Disease Control. However, it is equally recognised that genuine operationalisation of One Health solutions has been held back by knowledge gaps and the complexity of embedded intersectoral collaboration and data sharing.

This session will focus on exploring the mix of tools and capabilities that need to be brought together to enable a One Health approach, including real-world examples. There will be a particular focus on potential approaches to overcome one of the most significant barriers to a One Health approach – the integration of data from disparate sources across the environmental, animal and human health sectors.

With plenty of opportunity for audience questions and discussion, the session is intended to not only showcase key capabilities relevant to the One Health conversation but also - and perhaps more importantly - serve as a catalyst for further discussions and new collaborations. 


Brett Sutton
Director, Health and Biosecurity, CSIRO, Australia


Jodie McVernon
Professor and Director, Doherty Epidemiology, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Australia

Denis Bauer
Group Lead, Transformational Bioinformatics Group, CSIRO, Australia

Rolf Apweiler
Director, European Molecular Biology Laboratory-European Bioinformatics Institute

Kylie Hewson
Lead, Animal Health and Environment, CSIRO, Australia

Anton Peleg
Director, Department of Infectious Diseases, The Alfred Hospital and Professor, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Monash University, Australia

David Williams
Group Leader, Diagnostics and Mammalian Infectious Disease Research, Australian Animal Health Laboratory, CSIRO, Australia

Melanie Bannister-Tyrell
Principal Advisor, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne, Australia

Janet Anstee
Deputy Director, AquaWatch Australia, CSIRO, Australia

Nick Crosbie
Manager, Recycled Water & Integrated Water Management Research, Service Futures, Melbourne Water, Australia