Shaping the future of health across Asia and the Pacific

Grand Challenges Plenary


Monday 22 April, 11am - 12:30pm AEST
Main Stage

The 2024 World Health Summit Regional Meeting in the Asia Pacific comes at a critical time in history. With health inequities widening, geopolitical tensions escalating, global health governance under the spotlight and climate-driven health crises arriving with measurable impact across the planet.

As a global health community, we must identify the common grounds from which we can best meet these shifting and complex societal challenges, and we must strengthen the underlying systems and intersectoral partnerships that allow us to stand on them together.

Join us for our opening plenary as we come together to help shape the future of health across Asia and the Pacific. Drawing from their deep regional and global health expertise and leadership, we invite the esteemed guests in this session to frame our conversations for the three days of this historic World Health Summit Regional Meeting.


Sandro Demaio
Chief Executive Officer, VicHealth, Australia


Saia Ma’u Piukala
Regional Director for the Western Pacific, World Health Organization (WHO)

Adeeba Kamarulzaman
CEO, Monash University Malaysia, and Pro-Vice Chancellor and President (Malaysia), Monash University

Lucas de Toca
Ambassador for Global Health and First Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government

Ilona Kickbusch
Founding Director, Global Health Center, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva; Co-chair, Council of the World Health Summit