Professor Haidong Kan

Associate Dean, School of Public Health, Fudan University, China

Professor Haidong Kan
Associate Dean, School of Public Health, Fudan University, China

Professor Haidong Kan obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2003 at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. In 2007, he completed his postdoc training at the National Institute of Environmental Health Science of the US. He is Distinguished Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Programme by Ministry of Education. He is a member of the China National Advisory Committee of Environment and Health, associate editor of International Journal of Epidemiology, and editorial board member of the journal Epidemiology. He is named in the Clarivate Analytics list of Highly Cited Researchers for 2018, and the Elsevier list of Most Cited Chinese Scientists from 2014 to 2018. He is the recipients of the Wu Jieping-Paul Jessen Medical & Pharmaceutical Award, China Medical Board (CMB) Distinguished Professorship Award, US EPA Scientific and Technological Achievement Award, and American Thoracic Society David Bates Award. His research investigates how ambient air pollution and global climate change affect human health.