Professor Danielle Mazza AM

Chair of General Practice & Head, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Women in Primary Care (SPHERE), Monash University, Australia

Professor Danielle Mazza AM
Chair of General Practice & Head, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Women in Primary Care (SPHERE), Monash University, Australia

Professor Danielle Mazza AM is an internationally distinguished general practice clinician researcher and Head of the Department of General Practice at Monash University. Her research and leadership have been highly influential in reducing inequities in access and improving the quality of clinical care delivered in general practice in women’s sexual and reproductive health, preventive care, the early detection of cancer and antimicrobial stewardship.

A strong proponent of evidence-based care, she has led and contributed to the development and implementation of key general practice guidelines used nationwide and provides expert advice to professional, government and policy groups nationally and around the world. She leads the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in Primary Care (SPHERE) and Chairs the Royal Australian College of General Practice’s Preventive Care Guideline (the RACGP’s key guideline used by > 35,000 GPs) Development Group.

Professor Mazza is a ministerial appointment to the Victorian Women’s Health Advisory Council and the National Women’s Health Advisory Council, chairing the former’s Access to LARC and Termination Subcommittee and co-chairing the latter’s Access, Care and Outcomes Subcommittee. She is also a member of the Therapeutic Goods Administration Women’s Health Products Working Group and the National Endometriosis Advisory Group. Over the course of her career she has acquired more than $48 million in competitive funding ($36 million of which has been Category One funding, >$25 million as CIA), including 4 NHMRC project grants, 4 MRFF grants, 4 partnership projects, 1 Dementia Research Team Grant, and 4 CREs ( two of which she has led). She has published 258 peer-reviewed publications (73 as first-author), 128 of which were published in the last 5 years (H index: 29 Scival; 38 google scholar, Citations: 3094 Scopus and 6035 Google Scholar) and ranks in the top 0.7% of researchers worldwide in the field of contraception (expertscape).

Professor Mazza was awarded a Member of The Order of Australia (AM) in 2023 for her significant service to medicine and medical research, particularly women’s health and in the same year she was awarded a Fellowship by the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences in recognition of her important contributions to health and medical research.